Submit a public question to the Council Meeting, Cabinet, Area Committee or Ordinary Committee


At many Council committee meetings there is the facility to ask a question about issues that are within the powers and duties of that committee (subject to certain restrictions on the questions that can be asked). You can either submit your question in writing at the meeting or you can use this online form to submit your question in advance.

Questions asked using this online form need to be submitted by no later than 3.00pm on the day of the meeting for the Council Meeting and the Cabinet, and 5:30pm on the day of the meeting for all other committees.

The Council Meeting, Cabinet, Area Committees and Ordinary Committees

Council Meeting
All Councillors attend this meeting and it takes the major decisions on the Council's budget, key policies and procedures.
Most of the important decisions that affect the whole of Stockport are made by the Cabinet. It is responsible for implementing the policies of the Council.
Area Committees
Every community in Stockport is covered by one of the Council's 7 area committees. They are the best way for people to get involved in local issues. They also have some planning powers and budgets to do road repairs and traffic management schemes.
Ordinary Committees
These include Planning & Highways Committee, the Licensing, Environment & Safety Committee, Appointments Committee and the Appeals Committee and deal with 'regulatory' matters. There are restrictions on the questions that can be asked of at these meetings. There is also a Standards Committee that monitors the conduct of Councillors.

Code of practice

Please read the question time Code of Practice before submitting your question:

Click here to view the Code of Practice  

Please Note: your completed question, including your correspondence address, may be shared with other Council departments to ensure you receive a complete response to your question.

Please tick the box to indicate that you have read and understood the Code of Practice for asking questions at the Area Committee Meeting and that you consent to your details being shared within the Council.

Your Question

Your Contact Details

If Other, please specify

(If your PostCode / Address is outside Stockport area or is shown incorrectly please enter manually.)