Event Application Form

Event Application


Please read our event information start page before continuing.

I have read and agree to Stockport Council's Terms and Conditions

Please note: This email address will be used to send the full event application on submission and also when saving the form for later use.

Friends of the Park or/and Voluntary group
Commercial company or the commercial arm of a charity


In order for us to determine if your event is suitable to meet the cover that SMBC can provide it is imperative that the application form gives a comprehensive description of all the activities that make up your event and the exact location of the event.

Please note if an activity is not listed on the application form or risk assessment the council cannot provide insurance for it.

A decision will be made whether it is felt that insurance cover can be provided.

Please note: If your event includes activities or equipment that SMBC insurance does not cover Eg. Bouncy Castles, you will be required to collect up to date copies of public liability insurance certificates from your provider.

Not yet - will be purchased on event approval

Please note: you must undertake one application per location.

One day
Consecutive days
Multiple non-consecutive days

Date of event

When will you require access to the site?

When will you vacate the site?

Date of event

When will you require access to the site?

When will you vacate the site?

Date of event

When will you require access to the site?

When will you vacate the site?

+ add another date
Date of event

When will you require access to the site?

When will you vacate the site?

+ add another date
Date of event

When will you require access to the site?

When will you vacate the site?

+ add another date
Date of event

When will you require access to the site?

When will you vacate the site?

+ add another date
Date of event

When will you require access to the site?

When will you vacate the site?

+ add another date
Date of event

When will you require access to the site?

When will you vacate the site?

+ add another date
Date of event

When will you require access to the site?

When will you vacate the site?

+ add another date
Date of event

When will you require access to the site?

When will you vacate the site?

+ add another date
Date of event

When will you require access to the site?

When will you vacate the site?

+ add another date
Date of event

When will you require access to the site?

When will you vacate the site?

+ add another date
Date of event

When will you require access to the site?

When will you vacate the site?

+ add another date
Date of event

When will you require access to the site?

When will you vacate the site?

No more dates allowed



Park Funday
Community Group Event
Charity Event
Religious Event
Music festival
Sponsored Walk
Accompanied walk
Educational programme
Forest School
Car show
Art activities
Family occasion
Sports activity / tournament / coaching
Cross country / fun run (potential fee)
Market / Car Boot Sale
Bonfire / firework Display
Fun Fair
TV /Filming (potential fee)
Circus (potential fee)

A fee may be applied to this event, please refer to the event page on the SMBC website.





This application will need to be approved at a Local Area Committee Meeting please ensure that you have allowed at least 3 months between submitting this application and your event date.

It is important that you consider the impact your event may have on the local roads and parking

Not yet
Not deemed necessary



Fundraising for and / or promotion of a political party (this includes political parties having a stall at your event)
Collections for a charity
Sale of alcohol
Music event
Theatre performance
Market stalls
Car boot sale
Provision of any food
Hot food & Drinks
Ice cream Van
Market stalls selling food both packed and unpacked
Cake Stall
Face painters
Sports coaching and competitive sports
Street entertainers
Re-enactment group
Stage; Mobile (Trailer)
Stage; Constructed
Lighting rigs
Temporary structures
Inflatables (e.g. bouncy castles)
Fireworks / pyrotechnics
Fairground rides
PA equipment
Motor cycles
Motorised procession

Raffle/ Gambling/ Collections for a charity

In regards to Raffles where the tickets will only be on sale the day of the draw no further action is necessary, however for any other raffle or gambling activity please contact SMBC's Licensing Section for advise on 0161 474 4311

Music event/ Theatre performance

A Tens licence may need to be applied for please arrange this with SMBC’s Licensing Section on 0161 474 4311

Please also notify Greater Manchester Police on 0161 872 5050 or 101

Please Note: this application will need to be approved at a Local Area Committee Meeting * Please ensure that you have allowed at least 3 months between submitting this application and your event date

If the performers / production company are professional a copy of their Public Liability Insurance Certificate should be collected.

If your are staging the event on a constructed stage please speak to Stockport MBC's Environmental Health's Health and Safety Team on 0161 474 4181

Market stalls

Please discuss your proposed event with SMBC’s Trading Standards Team on 0161 474 4195 and SMBC’s Market team on 0161 474 2500 (Tuesday to Saturday). Also be aware that that you will need to check traders insurances.

Car boot sale

Please discuss your proposed event with SMBC’s Trading Standards Team on 0161 474 4195 and SMBC’s Market team on 0161 474 2500 (Tuesday to Saturday). Please refer to the information pack in relation to specific legislation on car boot sales.

Provision of any food

Barbecue Safety

All food vendors are required to be registered with their local Environmental Health department and should be listed at the following website along with their up to date food hygiene rating: food rating

If the vendor cannot be found on this site and cannot provide evidence of registration, SMBC Environmental Health recommends you do not give permission for them to trade at your event.

Public liability insurance certificates should also be collected from individual food vendors

If you are providing refreshments yourself or are selling pre-packaged food at your event please contact Stockport’s Environmental Health’s Food Safety Team on 0161 474 4208 to discuss


Public liability insurance certificates will need to be collected from the provider..

Please Note: this application will need to be approved at a local Area Committee Meeting please ensure that you have allowed at least 3 months between submitting this application and your event date.

Face painters

Public liability insurance certificates will need to be collected from the face painter

Sports coaching and competitive sports

Public liability insurance certificates will need to be collected from the coaches/ providers

Street entertainers/ Re-enactment group

You will need to contact SMBC’s Licensing section as you may need to apply for a temporary event notice (TENS License) Please ring 0161 474 4208 to discuss your event.

If the performers are professional you would also need to obtain a copy of their Public Liability Insurance Certificate, if they do not have this SMBC cannot give permission for them to preform within their parks

Sale of alcohol

A Tens licence will need to be applied for please arrange this with SMBC’s Licensing Section on 0161 474 4311

Please also notify Greater Manchester Police on 0161 872 5050 or 101>

Please Note: this application will need to be approved at a Local Area Committee Meeting

Please ensure that you have allowed at least 3 months between submitting this application and your event date


To discuss welfare provisions and ratios of people to toilets please contact Environmental Health’s Health and Safety Team on 0161 474 4181

Stage; Mobile (Trailer)

A copy of the supplier’s Public liability Insurance Certificate would need to be obtained.

Stage; Constructed

A copy of the supplier’s Public liability Insurance Certificate would need to be obtained.

Please contact SMBC’s Environmental Health’s Health and Safety Team on 0161 474 4181 to discuss how this would be constructed.

Lighting rigs

A copy of the supplier’s Public liability Insurance Certificate would need to be obtained.

Please contact SMBC’s Environmental Health’s Health and Safety Team on 0161 474 4181 to discuss how this would be constructed.

Temporary structures

A copy of the supplier’s Public liability Insurance Certificate would need to be obtained.

Please contact SMBC’s Environmental Health’s Health and Safety Team on 0161 474 4181 to discuss how this would be constructed.

Inflatables (e.g. bouncy castles)

Inflatables must comply with BS EN14960 evidence of this must be provided. PIPA or ADiPs certification will need to be collected for inflatables over 12 months old along with Public liability insurance certificates. The Inflatable would need to be manned by the provider. Also you will need to check with the provider how the bouncy castle will be secured to the ground for advise in this matter please contact Environmental Health’s Health and Safety Team on 0161 474 4181


A copy of the supplier’s Public liability Insurance Certificate would need to be obtained.

Please contact SMBC’s Environmental Health’s Health and Safety Team on 0161 474 4181 to discuss how this would be constructed. Please also discuss with Greater Manchester's Fire Service on 0161 736 5866


Please contact Environmental Health’s Health and Safety Team on 0161 474 4181 and Greater Manchester’s Fire Service on 0161 736 5866

Fireworks / pyrotechnics

Please contact Environmental Health’s Health and Safety Team on 0161 474 4181 and Greater Manchester’s Fire Service on 0161 736 5866 also please notify Manchester Airport of your display by either emailing:, or if the display is going to be large scale ringing the control tower on 0161 209 2825. Please also consider whether the Highways Agency should be notified in relation to the proximity of major roads and the potential of smoke from the event encroaching carriageways

Fairground rides

ADIPS Test certificates and public liability insurance certificates will need to be collected. Any funfair operator employed must be a member of the Showman’s Guild.

PA equipment

Times PA Equipment will be used

Motor cycles

You may be contacted in regards to this type of event.

Motorised procession

You must clearly show your procession's route on the site plan. If your procession is partly on the highway please apply to Traffic Management for this element of your event




To publicise the event do you intend to use the following?

Please contact SMBC’s Traffic Services Department on: 0161 217 6111

Please contact the SMBC Planning Department’s Development Management Team on 0161 474 3896 (between the hours of 10.00am – 12.00noon Mondays to Fridays) to discuss.

If posters or banners are to be situated within the park only, for a maximum of two weeks directly prior to the event, planning permission may not be required. However the Green Space Team would need to give approval and the details of the size of the banner and exact positioning would have to be provided to us and agreed to.

Main Event Organiser

Related Documents

To upload your public liability certificate, to be submitted alongside your application, please click the browse button and select the appropriate document to attach.

You must provide public liability insurance, you cannot proceed

As you have asked for the Council to consider providing insurance you must submit a risk assessment document. If you do not currently have a risk assessment document, please provide this via email as soon as possible

Risk Assessment Template Form To upload your risk assessment document, please click the browse button and select the appropriate document to attach.

To upload your traffic management plan, to be submitted alongside your application, please click the browse button and select the appropriate document to attach.

Please include a site plan, if you do not currently have a site plan, please provide this via email. This site plan must include the layout / route of the event. Site plans can be located at: Google Maps

Please clearly show where the PA system will be positioned on the site plan.

Other Documents

Please note supporting documents, such as an event management plan or event policies etc., can either be uploaded now or provided via email.

Important Information About Attached Documents

The total file size of submitted documents must not exceed 20mb

Supporting Documentation should only be attached when you want to submit the completed form. If you attach any documents whilst using the Save for Later function, they will not be saved.