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Stockport Historic Environment Database

Welcome to the Stockport Historic Environment Database (SHED). The system contains information on statutory and locally listed buildings, conservation areas, Article 4 directions, scheduled monuments and registered historic parks and gardens. To search the database use the drop down lists below and click "Search" or alternatively, go to Stockport's main Mapping System and to use the map based search functions.

Listed buildings identified on the map should be read in conjunction with the list entry and are indicative only. The maps do not illustrate the full extent of listing or define the curtilage associated with the building. For further clarification on this or any other matter relating to the historic environment records please contact the Council's Conservation Officer. For more information visit the Conservation Web Page.

Every care has been taken to ensure that the information is correct at the time of being published. All data is updated on a weekly basis to include any new or additional entries.

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